Legal Disclaimer

Below, the rules of using the Website are presented. We recommend printing them out, reading carefully and keeping for future reference. KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. may introduce changes and amend them at any time and without prior notice.

Using the Website is subject to reading these instructions. The found breached of these terms of use may cause a ban on using the Website. KRUK Investimenti may, at its own discretion, suspend or close this Website, in entirety or part, without meeting any responsibility.

All information, data, articles, content, software, images, graphics, audio and video files, drawings and their presentation and processing and all codes and script formats of the website, as well as, generally, the material included and published on KRUK Investimenti website (hereinafter called “Content”) shall represent the property of KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. and are legally protected in terms of industrial and/or intellectual property. The user shall not copy, or dispose of the Content in any way.

Access to the Property is possible ONLY after prior permit, with no exclusions.

Accessing the website does not allow the User to appropriate, change, disseminate, or further publish its content, in any form, also partially, without express consent from KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. to use and/or copy.

KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. shall not be liable in any way for the information (in text or graphics), documents or materials that may be published on the Website by third persons.


If third parties intend to redirect links from their website to the Website owned by KRUK Investimenti S.R.L., it shall be allowed only after obtaining a written consent of the Owner, to the homepage Redirecting to links to subpages using such techniques as framing, deep-linking, scraping, data mining shall be prohibited.

Interactive connections between the Website and other websites managed by third parties are made by KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. without conducting any controls of information, products, services offered or policy applied on those websites, or controlling their compliance with the provisions of the law applicable each time. Because of that, KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. shall accept no liability for content or method of operating of such third party websites, in particular with regard to IT security: the user should use relevant anti-virus software, firewall and learn in detail the policy in this respect. Additionally, each linked website has its own privacy policy, different and independent of that published on the KRUK Investimenti website, according to which KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. does not perform any verification. Because of the above, the User should learn in detail the privacy policy applicable on the linked websites by relevant Owners in separate tabs related to processing. 

In any case, if there are possible reports from users regarding unreliability or incompliance of those websites – to the e-mail address: – KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. will be able to suspend such a connection at its own discretion.


The user accepts the fact that the internet data communication may not achieve the required security levels. A User’s obligation is to acquire the required IT security features and check the correctness of the data provided. The e-mail addresses published on the website belong to KRUK Investimenti and are managed according to the privacy policy (LINK) or are subject to regulations from third party entities, if applicable. In such situation, the User must learn the method of managing such data implemented by the third parties, which are not verified by KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. in any way. Notwithstanding, KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. cannot be responsible for services other than relevant and correct application of security standards, required by the applicable national regulations.



Texts, information, other data published on this Website and links to other websites are for information purposes only and may not be treated as official in any way. If the Website contains inconsistencies, errors, or omissions in information published, it is indicated that KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. accepts no liability for direct or indirect damages and in any circumstances it reserves the right to intervene, at any time, by introducing corrections, changes, and revising the Website.


The limitation of liability referred o above is not meant to limit or exclude the liability of KRUK Investimenti S.R.L. in cases in which it may not be limited or excluded under the applicable Italian law.

We remind that by entering this Website, the User and KRUK Investimenti S.R.L., except for other provisions, agree that the law and regulations applicable in Italy shall be applicable for all issues related to using this Website.

Sources of the referred law:

- COPYRIGHTS: Art.2575 of the Italian Civil Code, as amended: “Copyrights cover all creative activity with regard to science, music, works of art, architecture, theatre and cinema, in any shape or form of expression.”


- PLAGIARISM: in the case of unauthorised copying, “ a creator whose work is plagiarised may apply to a court for declaring his/her ownership of a work, in line with art. 168 and 156 of the act 633/41, and the detrimental character of the illegal action or destruction of other’s work in line with the provisions of articles 158 and 163 of the act”, as amended.